Experience shows that those who plan and prepare for emergencies can reduce the impact of the emergency. Do 1 thing to help your family and friends stay safe. 

On this page:

Being prepared is the best way to manage if an emergency happens. Do one thing to keep yourself, your family and your friends safer. 

This could include:

  • Cleaning your gutters

  • Planning for power outages

  • Securing outdoor items 

  • Trimming tree branches

  • Saving 132 500 to your phone

These are just some simple emergency preparedness tips to help build more disaster resilient communities. 

When an emergency strikes, you may have to take action quickly. By planning ahead, it will be easier to make the right decisions when disaster strikes. 

Meet with your family or household members to make a plan and discuss what you can do to prepare and respond to emergencies that are most likely to happen where you live, work and holiday.

You can view more easy preparedness tips below, to protect yourself and your property during a flood or storm, when you’re on the road, or when you’re heading away on a holiday. 

We've started a list of simple things you can do to help you and your family stay safe if impacted by one of our emergencies. 

Most are simple maintenance items you can do well before disaster strikes, like clearing the gutters and stocking up on batteries. 

Have a read of the list below, choose your one thing, and take action to become more resilient. 


Do one thing to make your home safer

  • Buy a solar-powered battery charger.

  • Buy some spare batteries for any torches and other devices you might use if the power goes out.

  • Create an emergency kit.

  • Service your generator.

  • Learn how to quickly turn off the power, water and gas in your home. This way, you’ll be able to prevent a short-circuit in the event of lightning or floods.

  • Secure loose items around your property. 

  • Clear your gutters - we suggest the first Saturday of the month! 

  • Trim back trees or branches that overhang the house.

  • Make sure that your home and/or contents insurance is current (check out AAMI Insurance if you need a quote).

  • From AAMI - Does My Home Insurance Include Flood Cover? 

Find out other ideas on our plan and stay safe at home and plan and stay safe at work pages.

More advice from our Principle Partner AAMI: Prepare your home for floods and Prepare your home for storms


Do one thing to make your time on the roads safer

When you’re behind the wheel of a vehicle, driving is your number one priority. The safety of you, and your passengers, is in your hands. Concentrate and focus on the road ahead. 

Find out other ideas on our plan and stay safe on the road page.


Do one thing to make your trip safer

Find out other ideas on our plan and stay safe on holidays page.


Do one thing to prepare before a flood

  • Set a watch zone on the VicEmergeny App, whether at home or at a holiday destination.

  • Read the local flood guide for your area and know the risks.

  • Be flood ready.

  • Know what to do if there is heavy rain or riverine flooding. Stay away from floodwater – you never know what the water contains – broken glass, sewerage etc.

  • Prepare your home for floods with some advice from our principal partner AAMI.

Find out other ideas on our plan and stay safe before during and after a flood page.


Do one thing to prepare before a storm 

  • Know who to call if you are impacted by a storm - 132500 for VICSES assistance, 000 for life-threatening emergencies. 

  • Plan for what you will do and what you will take with you, if you need to evacuate. 

  • Before a storm hits, park your car undercover and away from trees.

  • Clean your gutters, downpipes and drains to ensure they are not blocked. 

  • Check that loose items such as outdoor furniture, umbrellas and trampolines are safely secured.

  • Prepare your home for storms with some advice from our principal partner AAMI.

Find out other ideas on what you can do on our stay safe in a storm page.