VICSES has a coordination role to facilitate the development of emergency plans for hazards at State, Regional and Municipal tiers.
State Emergency Plans
Click on the hazard icons below to find each State Emergency Plan:
Flood | Storm | Earthquake | Tsunami | Landslide |
State Emergency Plans contain information on:
Responsibilities of key agencies regarding prevention, preparedness, response and recovery.
Regional and local level emergency planning requirements.
Specific requirements for emergency activities (e.g. warning, evacuation).
Operational structures and staff responsibilities.
Regional Emergency Plans
Click on the hazard icons below to find each plan:
North West Metro - Regional Emergency Plans
Southern Metro - Regional Emergency Plans
Eastern Metro - Regional Emergency Plans
Gippsland - Regional Emergency Plans
Hume - Regional Emergency Plans
Loddon Mallee - Regional Emergency Plans
Grampians - Regional Emergency Plans
Barwon South West - Regional Emergency Plans

Municipal Flood Emergency Plans
Municipal Flood Emergency Plans
VICSES lead the development of Municipal Flood Emergency Plans (MFEPs) available alongside community facing Local Flood Guides. MFEPs are a sub-plan to the Municipal Emergency Management Plan (MEMP) and include critical information about the risk and impacts of local flooding. They also assist councils and emergency management agencies in effectively planning for and responding to the impacts of flooding across a municipal footprint before, during and after it occurs.
Sector templates:
MFEP templates and further information – You can access the MFEP template [Word 3MB] and information about the MFEP enhancement project [PDF 194KB] here.
About Municipal Emergency Management Plans (MEMPs)
Under the Emergency Management Act 1986, municipal councils must prepare and maintain a Municipal Emergency Management Plan (MEMP).
Contact your local council for a copy of the latest MEMP.
Your local flood information
Visit our Local Flood Guide page to find Local Flood Guides by using the search function on the map, or browse the A-Z list organised by suburb and municipality.
For information on how to plan and prepare for emergencies, visit our Plan and stay safe page.