There are a number of things that you can do to make sure you stay safe during a tsunami.

On this page:

Remember, for tsunami emergency assistance from the SES call 132 500. For life-threatening emergencies call Triple-Zero (000). Please do not phone emergency services for general advice.

Ensure that you do the following during a marine tsunami:

  • Get out of the water and move away from the immediate water's edge of harbours, coastal estuaries, rock platforms, and beaches.

  • Boats in harbours, estuaries and in shallow coastal water should return to shore - secure your boat and move away from the waterfront.

  • Vessels already at sea should stay offshore in deep water until further advised.

  • Do not go to the coast to watch the tsunami, as there is the possibility of dangerous, localised land inundation of the immediate foreshore.

  • Check that your neighbours are aware of the situation.


Ensure that you do the following during a land tsunami:

  • Go to higher ground, at least ten metres above sea level, or if possible move at least one kilometre away from all beaches and the water's edge of harbours and coastal estuaries.

  • Take only essential items that you can carry including important papers, family photographs and medical needs.

  • It may be in your own interests to walk to safety if possible to avoid traffic jams.

  • If you cannot leave the area take shelter in the upper storey of a sturdy brick or concrete multi-storey building.

  • Do not go to the coast to watch the tsunami, as there is the possibility of dangerous, localised land inundation.

  • Tune into your emergency broadcasters - ABC Local Radio, commercial radio and designated community radio stations, or SKY NEWS Television